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Pc Games Cheats Neverwinter Nights

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To enable Neverwinter Nights cheats, you will need to hit the tilde key and type in 'DebugMode 1' (case sensitive). Then hit the key again and press TAB. This should show you a list of.

December 18, 2003 - 5:11am

Cheat mode

Press during game play to display the console window and type DebugMode 1 case sensitive to enable cheat mode. Then, press again and press [Tab] to view the debug commands. Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. You can enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message 'Success' will confirm correct code entry. If the message 'Entered Target Mode' appears, click on the desired character to apply the cheat.

Note: If you alter your character, load the 'nwnplayer.ini' file in the game folder and set the following lines in order to continue past the module you are currently on:

Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0

Effect - Code
Set Strength attribute - SetSTR
Set Dexterity attribute - SetDEX
Set Intelligence attribute - SetINT
Set Wisdom attribute - SetWIS
Set Constitution attribute - SetCON
Set Charisma attribute - SetCHA
Get indicated amount of gold - dmgivegold
Invincibility - dmgod
Restore all hit points - dmheal
Set character level - dmgivelevel
Ride a hobby horse - dmmylittlepony
Killer flying cows - dmcowsfromhell
Get indicated amount of experience points - GiveXP
Raise indicated number of levels - GetLevel
Set character's fortitude save modifier - ModSaveFort
Set character's reflex save modifier - ModSaveReflex
Set character's will save modifier - ModSaveWill
Set character's spell resistance modifier - ModSpellResistance
Set character's age - SetAge
Set character's base attack - SetAttackBase
Change character's race human, elf, etc. - SetAppearance
Scripting function - ModAge
Scripting function - ModAttackBase
Scripting function - ModSave
Scripting function - ModDEX
Scripting function - ModCON
Scripting function - ModINT
Scripting function - ModWIS
Scripting function - ModCHA
Scripting function - SetSave
Scripting function - SetSpellResistance
Scripting function - GiveLevel
Scripting function - runscript
Scripting function - GetVarInt
Scripting function - GetVarFloat
Scripting function - GetVarString
Scripting function - GetVarObject
Scripting function - GetVarVector
Scripting function - SetVarInt
Scripting function - SetVarFloat
Scripting function - SetVarString
Scripting function - SetVarObject
Scripting function - SetVarVector
Scripting function - GetVarModInt
Scripting function - GetVarModFloat
Scripting function - GetVarModString
Scripting function - GetVarModObject
Scripting function - GetVarModVector
Scripting function - SetVarModInt
Scripting function - SetVarModFloat
Scripting function - SetVarModString
Scripting function - SetVarModObject
Scripting function - SetVarModVector

. Once you change from your original race, your character will be headless until you change back.

Extra gore and critical hit chunks

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'nwnplayer.ini' file in the game folder and look under the '[Game Options]' heading. Change the 'Memory Level=1' line to change it to 'Memory Level=2' and 'Memory Access=1' to 'Memory Access=2'.


Press during game play and type DebugMode 1 case sensitive to enable cheat mode. Move the pointer to your desired destination, then hold the Left Mouse Button and press [Keypad Plus].

One hit kills

Press during game play and type DebugMode 1 case sensitive to enable cheat mode. Move the pointer over your target, then hold the Left Mouse Button and press Y. Note: This also can be used to bash doors, chests, and other containers.

Easy level ups

Press during game play and type DebugMode 1 case sensitive to enable cheat mode. Then, enter GiveXP without a value after it at the console window. The game will continue to level your character up until you reach maximum level.

Maximum gold

How to cheat 3ds pokemon games. Press during game play and type DebugMode 1 case sensitive to enable cheat mode. Then, enter dmgivegold without a value after it at the console window. The game will give you the maximum amount of gp you can hold over 8,000,000.

All expansion chapters in single player mode

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'nwnplayer.ini' file in the game folder. Find the 'CODEWORD XP2=' line, and change it to:

CODEWORD XP2=barkeater
Note: If the line does not exist, create it under the '[Game Options]' heading.

Level Up Unhatched Pokemon To do this glitch, you must first execute the Pomeg Berry Glitch, which is done by using a Pomeg Berry on a Pokemon with 1 or 2 HP so that its HP loops to 65,535. Oval Charm - makes it more likely for Pokemon to lay an Egg at the nursery if they're compatible: First, become the Champion of the Pokemon League. Go to the second floor, and into the first room on the left. Battle the cop there. Shiny Charm - triples the frequency at which Shiny Pokemon appear: First, capture all 400 Pokemon in the Galarian. Pokemon game cheats for pokemon. The Incense Pokemon GO Cheat will allow you a chance to Spawn Any Pokemon In The Game, instead of just pidgey and rattata. This Is What You DO. You need to be at least 1KM away from any sort of Biome/ Habitat. The Item Incense will spawn pokemon based on your biome. Pokemon Diploma. Catch all 202 Pokemon in the Pokedex, then talk to the Game Designer at the hotel in Lilycove City. To get the Pokemon Virus, go to Route 117 and battle until you think you have it. Then, go to Vandaserf's Pokemon Center and heal. If one of your Pokemon have it, after you heal a new message should appear.

Cheat sheet for triangle peg game. In your mind, number the holes from 1 to 15, going left to right, so that 1 is the tip of the triangle and 15 is the right-most hole in the bottom row. Remove the peg from hole 1, leaving the tip of the triangle empty. Jump pegs in the following order, removing each peg jumped: from 4. The board is a triangle that measures 4' tall and 4 1/2' wide, it has 15 holes and 14 pegs, comes with a cheat sheet. The object of the game is to jump one peg at a time and remove it, keep doing this until all but one peg is left. Fun one player game. Choose from the. The game board is a triangle with 15 holes in the same shape as bowing pins, except with an extra row. The game starts with pegs (golf tees) in all the holes except one; the goal is to jump pegs one at a time, removing the jumped peg until only one peg remains. The instructions on the board say that if you leave only one peg, you are a genius. You must jump each peg over another peg, but only if there is an open space. Each peg you jump over must be removed. You win if only one peg is left at the end of the game.

  • Cheat Codes

Use a text editor to edit the 'nwn.ini' file in the game folder. Add the following line under the 'Game Options' section. Make a backup from this file first, before you start editing.
Debug Mode=1
Then while playing a game, press ~ and type 'DebugMode 1' (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, press ~ again and press [Tab] to view the debug commands. Press [Tab] to scroll through the commands. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the message 'Success' will appear. If the message 'Entered Target Mode' appears, click on the desired character to apply the cheat.
If you alter your character, load the 'nwnplayer.ini' file in the game folder and set the following lines in order to continue past the module you are currently on:
Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Effect CheatCode
Invincibility dm_god
Set Charisma attribute SetCHA [number]
Set Strength attribute SetSTR [number]
Set Intelligence attribute SetINT [number]
Set Wisdom attribute SetWIS [number]
Set Constitution attribute SetCON [number]
Get indicated amount of gold dm_givegold [number]
Get indicated amount of experience points GiveXP [number]
Raise indicated number of levels GetLevel [number]
Set character's fortitude save modifier ModSaveFort
Set character's reflex save modifier ModSaveReflex
Set character's will save modifier ModSaveWill
Set character's spell resistance modifier ModSpellResistance [number]
Set character's age SetAge [number]
Set character's base attack SetAttackBase [number]
Change character's race (human, elf, etc.)1 SetAppearance [race]
Unknown ModAge [number]
Unknown ModAttackBase [number]
Unknown ModSave
Unknown ModDEX [number]
Unknown ModCON [number]
Unknown ModINT [number]
Unknown ModWIS [number]
Unknown ModCHA [number]
Unknown SetSave
Unknown SetSpellResistance [number]
Unknown GiveLevel [number]
Unknown runscript NAME
Unknown GetVarInt
Unknown GetVarFloat
Unknown GetVarString
Unknown GetVarObject
Unknown GetVarVector
Unknown SetVarInt
Unknown SetVarFloat
Unknown SetVarString
Unknown SetVarObject
Unknown SetVarVector
Unknown GetVarModInt
Unknown GetVarModFloat
Unknown GetVarModString
Unknown GetVarModObject
Unknown GetVarModVector
Unknown SetVarModInt
Unknown SetVarModFloat
Unknown SetVarModString
Unknown SetVarModObject
Unknown SetVarModVector
  • Easy battles

An easy and effective strategy when fighting Bosses or other hard to kill creatures is to make them follow you until you reach an area transition door. Fight close to it and when your hit points are low, exit. The creature will not follow you through the door. Rest and save; then go back to fight. Normally the creature will not have regenerated. This trick can also work with normal doors depending on the monster; normally humanoid creatures will be able to open non-area transition doors.
  • Easy custom items for multi-player

Use the tool set to create a Module and then an Area. Make sure you are familiar with how to use it (making a start area, how to use tile sets, how to use the wizards). Export a character from any game (single or multi-player mode) that you wish to use in another multi-player game. Create the items at a low enough level so that your character can use them. You can check the level on the Properties/General menu of the item. Be aware that certain abilities will add a certain amount of Required Levels to the item. The easiest way is to use the wizard and create the item at your level, at Godly quality. Make sure after you create the item you have checked as being 'Identified' or else you will not be able to use the item (unless your Lore is high enough). This can be found under the Properties/Properties menu, where you place the abilities. After you are done making you item, place it on the ground anywhere you desire. Nearest to the start location is best, and it is easiest to put them all inside a container of some sort, so you can just take them and place them directly into your inventory. Save the Module, Run the Module under New/ CustomModule, then use the character that you exported (called a Local Character). You can now have custom items, names, colors, and abilities to your choosing. Export the character again, then play in a multi-player game. This does not appear work for a single player mode game.
  • Horsies

Activate the 'DebugMode=1' thing and then type dm_mylittlepony and your character rides a wooden horse(you can't attack on a horse but you get there quicker) to deactivate type the same thing again. | Submitted by Chris
  • Various Cheat Codes

The first thing you'll want to do is edit the NWNPLAYER.INI file that's in your main NWN directory. Near the top, find the line that says 'Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=1' and change the 1 to a 0. If you don't do that, you can still use the cheats, but the game won't let you progress from chapter to chapter.
While you're in NWNPLAYER.INI, you might also want to change 'Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions' to equal 0. That way, you can ready any item that's level-dependent no matter what your level is (though note that this doesn't help with class-dependent or feat-dependent items).
In the game, press the ~ (tilde) key to get a small console prompt in the top left corner of the screen, then type 'DebugMode 1' (w/o the quote marks) and press ENTER. That'll get the cheats enabled. When you're through typing in codes, type 'DebugMode 0' to turn debug mode off.
You can hit the TAB key repeatedly with the console line up to see long lists of codes you can use. I organize the most useful ones into three lists here:
General cheats: Just press ~, type the code, and press ENTER.
* dm_god - toggles invincibility
* dm_heal - fully heals your main character
* dm_mylittlepony - toggles a fast little invisible horse for you to ride around on; note that you can't attack while riding the horse
* dm_cowsfromhell - summons several mad attack cows that trample every NPC in sight, both friendly and otherwise; use with caution
* dm_showarea - reveals the full map for the area you're in (removes 'fog of war')
* dm_gettime - shows the current day, month, year, hour, and time of day
'Set' cheats: These cheats set the values of their associated stats, overwriting the old values. When you type the cheat on the console, the game will enter targeting mode, allowing you to apply the cheat to whoever you click on (your main character or a henchman).
* SetSTR # - set Strength stat to #
* SetDEX # - set Dexterity stat to #
* SetCON # - set Constitution stat to #
* SetINT # - set Intelligence stat to #
* SetWIS # - set Wisdom stat to #
* SetCHA # - set Charisma stat to #
* SetAge # - set age to #
* SetAttackBase # - set base attack bonus to #
* SetSpellResistance # - set spell resistance to #
'Add' cheats: These cheats add the given values to their associated stats' current values. As with the 'set' cheats, type the cheat and then click on the character you want to apply it to.
* GiveXP # - adds # experience points
* GiveLevel # - allows you to level up # times
* dm_givegold # - adds # gold to inventory
* ModSTR # - adds # to Strength stat
* ModDEX # - adds # to Dexterity stat
* ModCON # - adds # to Constitution stat
* ModINT # - adds # to Intelligence stat
* ModWIS # - adds # to Wisdom stat
* ModCHA # - adds # to Charisma stat

Neverwinter Nights Pc Game Download

* ModAge # - adds # to age
* ModAttackBase # - adds # to base attack bonus
* ModSpellResistance # - adds # to spell resistance
* ModSaveFort # - adds # to fortitude save
* ModSaveWill # - adds # to will save
* ModSaveReflex # - adds # to reflex save | Submitted by Chris
  • Get exclusive Neverwinter Nights trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

Get exclusive Neverwinter Nights trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens.

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Pc Games Cheats Neverwinter Nights Pc


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